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Sermon Series: A Journey of Faith: The Life of Abraham (Genesis 12-25)

As Christians we struggle with whether our faith is where it needs to be. We either over inflate our faith
as something better than what it is, or we go to the other extreme by beating ourselves up over a weak
faith. The strengthening of faith in God is a life-long journey with ebbs and flows. On any journey there
are challenges, highlights, and amazing experiences. A journey requires sacrifice and risk. Yet, the
rewards can be beyond our imagination.

So often, people choose to remain home or close to home, unwilling to venture beyond their familiar
surroundings. God is calling His people to take a journey with Him. Some start but never finish. Some
have stopped yet need to rejoin Him. Wherever we might be, do not miss the opportunity to go or
return. On this journey with Jesus Christ, we will need to understand what is required and what is
needed for this trip.

Through this study we will discover these four necessities as we journey with Him. Let's gear up and go!

May 15, 2022, Introductory Message: A Journey of Faith Click Here To Watch!

The Foundation of Faith

The Formulation of Faith

The Case for Life

The Founder of Faith

The Finisher of Faith

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